7 Children's Books That Celebrate Pride

May 22, 2023 6:42:00 AM / by Beaming Books


At Beaming Books, we proudly celebrate our LGBTQ+ authors and LGBTQ+ stories during Pride Month and all year round. Our handpicked collection of books highlights a wide range of topics and experiences, all of which encourage kids to be their true, authentic selves. Above all, these books remind young readers that no matter how they identify, they are loved, valued, and worthy. Love, respect, and acceptance know no bounds.



Duck, Duck, Tiger

Brittany R. Jacobs

Lili has noticed that she's different from everyone around her . . . like she's a tiger when everyone else seems to be a duck. She worries that the world doesn't like tigers. What if no one likes tigers? Inspired by the author's childhood and lived experiences, Duck, Duck, Tiger is a picture book that explores the difficulties those with marginalized identities face from an early age. Lili's journey from uneasy feelings to understanding and pride will resonate with readers struggling with their own sense of otherness, championing inclusion.

Age range: 3–8 years

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A Costume for Charly

CK Malone

Halloween is always tricky for Charly, and this year they are determined to find a costume that showcases both the feminine and masculine halves of their identity. Digging through their costume box, they explore many fun costumes. Some are masc. Some are femme. Some are neither. But all are lacking. As trick-or-treating looms, they must think outside the box to find the perfect costume—something that will allow them to present as one hundred percent Charly.

Age range: 5–8 years

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Rainbow Boy

Taylor Rouanzion

We all have asked a child to tell us their favorite color. In Rainbow Boy, one little boy attempts to answer this all-time favorite question. But with so many wonderful colors to choose from, he doesn't know how. He loves his pink sparkly tutu, bright red roses, soft yellow baby doll pajamas, and big orange basketball. How will he ever pick? This charming picture book reminds us that color doesn't have a gender, and encourages us all to express ourselves with the colors and items that feel true to our inner selves. 

Author Taylor Rouanzion shared with us the inspiration behind Rainbow Boy. Read the interview here. 

Age range: 3–8 years

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Queerfully and Wonderfully Made: A Guide for LGBTQ+ Christian Teens

Leigh Finke (edited by)

Whether you're queer or questioning, understanding sexuality and gender identity can be confusing. And if you're a Christian, questions of identity can be even scarier. Is there something wrong with you? Will your friends accept you? When should you tell your family? What about church?

Queerfully and Wonderfully Made has answers to all these questions and more. You'll get insight and support from an amazing group of LGBTQ+ professionals, as well as testimonies from young adult queer Christians who've recently been exactly where you are. You'll walk away with a lot of answers, prepared with tools to help. But most importantly, you'll hear the good news: God loves you exactly as you are. 

This is a companion book to Welcoming and Affirming: A Guide to Supporting and Working with LGBTQ+ Christian Youth, published by Broadleaf Books, our sister imprint.

Age range: 13–18 years

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Still Stace: My Gay Christian Coming-of-Age Story

Stacey Chomiak

Is it possible to be gay and Christian?

Stacey loves being a Christian. Her best friends are also her church friends. Her favorite place on earth is Bible camp every summer. And she talks to God like they are old friends.

But one summer, she meets a girl who turns everything upside down. Is this feeling she has for her more than just friendship? Could it be a crush? Filled with dread, Stacey embarks on a journey to discover what it means to be gay, whether it is possible to change, and how to reconcile her identity with her faith. Will it even be possible?

In this young-adult illustrated memoir, Stacey Chomiak tells the true story of her teenage and young-adult years: of heartbreak, family conflict, trying to become ex-gay, wrestling with her faith, and finding love. Uncovering happiness and joy while surrounded by the loneliness of a world that actively excludes her seems insurmountable. Until she learns to love her full self. Then the possibility of being both gay and Christian seems not just possible, but the best answer of all.

Click here to read an excerpt from Still Stace.

Age range: 13–18 years

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The Kid with Big, Big Ideas

Britney Winn Lee

Following the bestselling The Boy with Big, Big Feelings and The Girl with Big, Big Questions comes a new story about a nonbinary kid with ideas so big and wild that grown-ups often dismiss them. What if we could be mermaids and swim to school? What if we could teach pets to talk? What if we could make the world safe and inclusive for everyone?

This innovative kid doesn't stop there, and with the help of their supportive Gran, they come up with the biggest idea yet. In a world that so often dismisses and excludes kids from decision-making, this book boldly suggests that not only should kids have a voice, but their ideas just might be the ticket to making progress.

Note: This book will publish on August 29, 2023.

Age range: 3–8 years

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Penguins Don't Wear Pink

Jeffrey Turner

Henry the penguin adores all things pink. Whether it's lemonade, a bicycle, or his favorite hat, Henry stays true to what he loves . . . until a schoolmate suggests that he looks ridiculous in his beloved pink hat. Peer pressure erodes his confidence, causing Henry to question himself. Although he wavers, Henry finds the strength to remain steadfast in embracing his love of pink regardless of what other penguins may say. He learns that everyone will have an opinion about his choices, but they can't control his self-expression. Ultimately, in learning to be true to himself, Henry finds friends who accept him for who he is.

Age range: 3–8 years

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Click here to view all books from Beaming Books.

Searching for adult nonfiction books that celebrate queer stories? Click here to explore comforting recommendations from our sister imprint, Broadleaf Books.

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Beaming Books

Written by Beaming Books

Beaming Books publishes high-quality children’s books that help kids thrive socially, emotionally, and spiritually.

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