Activities & Resources

Mar 17, 2020 12:32:00 PM / by Beaming Books

blog_header_indoor_activitiesWe know that times right now are scary and uncertain. Your family’s schedule is likely disrupted, especially with the temporary closure of many schools. It’s important to fill the days with activities that keep kids engaged (and parents sane!). Here is a list of resources and activities from our blog and website to help you plan out the days ahead.

Searching for a digital storytime? Past storytime videos are posted on our Facebook and Instagram accounts. Follow our pages to be notified when new storytime events are posted.

Summer may be over, but our summertime reading bingo encourages kids to read a variety of books while having fun at any time of year.

Here’s a simple chore chart to teach kids about cleaning and responsibility.

Search for hope with printable activities inspired by Little Mole Finds Hope.

All of us have superpowers. Help your kids design their very own superhero mask, inspired by Superheroes Don't Babysit.

If your child has big feelings, they are likely feeling even more overwhelmed now. Download the parent guide for big feelers, inspired by The Boy with Big, Big Feelings

In challenging times, it’s important that we continue to express the love we have for the people around us. Here are Valentine’s Day–inspired activities that will help kids celebrate love all the days of the year.

It can be difficult to keep kids entertained when the weather keeps us stuck inside. Here are rainy-day activities perfect for a day indoors.

Find comfort in the words of the Bible. Here's a printable one-year Bible reading plan that offers readings, prayers, and activities for each month in the year. 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have opened our rights so you can share our books with kids through virtual story time and live events. Books have the power to connect us, and community is more important now than ever.

This could be a great time to teach your kids how to cook! Here are simple recipes to help you teach your kids the basics of cooking based on Let's Eat! As a bonus, you all get to learn about foods and cultures from around the globe. 

Fresh air is important for growing minds and for staying healthy. Here are 10 outdoor activities to keep kids busy and help them run off some energy.

You can never have too many coloring pages. Here are a few based on illustrations from some of our books:

When Charley Met Emma

God’s Protection Covers Me

Gritty and Graceful

Finally, we offer this simple prayer from Prayers for Faithful Families to help you find some peace in the days to come.

Be still my heart,

be still.
Be still my mind,
be still.
Be still my feet. Be still my hands.
Be still,
be still,
be still.

Topics: Activities, Resources, COVID-19

Beaming Books

Written by Beaming Books

Beaming Books publishes high-quality children’s books that help kids thrive socially, emotionally, and spiritually.

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