Tips to Help a Child Who Is Feeling Sad

Feb 7, 2020 10:54:00 AM / by Glenys Nellist


Most children will experience sadness. You, the caregiver, are their primary hope-giver. Here are a number of different ways you can help your child when they are feeling sad:

  • Acknowledge how your child is feeling.
  • Ask them to talk about, or draw, their feelings. Listen and empathize.
  • Reassure your child that his sadness will not last forever.
  • Hug your child. Don’t stop until your child does.
  • Spend time together doing something enjoyable.
  • Teach your child gratitude. Find a way to record “things that made me smile today.” Use a journal or a “gratitude jar” containing slips of paper.
  • Adequate sleep, good nutrition, and regular exercise all contribute toward your child’s emotional health and well-being.

Talk about Little Mole Finds Hope

  • Why do you think Little Mole might have been sad? When have you felt sad?
  • What three things did Little Mole see when he closed his eyes and used his imagination?
  • Close your eyes. Think about something that makes you really happy. See the pictures in your mind. Tell me about it.
  • Now it’s your turn. Tell your child that you’re going to close your eyes and think about something that makes you happy. Let them ask you about it.

Finding Hope

Two universal signs of hope are finding light amidst darkness, and new life springing from what seems dead. Talk with your child about times you’ve felt hopeful or have experienced new life out of difficult situations. When your family or your child goes through a difficult season, remember Little Mole and how he looked for signs of hope. You can look for signs of hope too.

To learn more about Little Mole Finds Hope, click here.

Topics: Resources

Glenys Nellist

Written by Glenys Nellist

Glenys Nellist is the author of multiple children's books, including the bestselling 'Twas the Evening of Christmas and the popular series Love Letters from God and Snuggle Time. Her writing reflects a deep passion for helping children discover joy in the world. Glenys lives in Michigan with her husband, David.

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