This Infographic Offers a Snapshot of How Families Use Technology

Written by afwpadmin | Dec 5, 2016 3:46:14 PM

How Does Technology Use Impact Your Family?

Several years ago, when we first began planning to launch Sparkhouse Family, some of our staff interviewed moms right in their own homes located in several cities around the country. While visiting, we were able to see what kinds of toys and books their children engaged and even observe some of their daily routines. But most of all, we listened to moms describing their daily life--all the beautiful and challenging moments that made up an ordinary week.

One of the topics that surfaced most in our discussions was concerns over screen time. Moms admitted they liked having technology to help engage kids at certain times--while they were waiting on a restaurant table or doing the dishes, for instance--but most also said they felt uncomfortable with their children's relationships with various gadgets. Moms said they wanted to set boundaries, to limit kids' exposure, and to make sure kids spent a lot of time outdoors and doing hands-on activities like cooking and crafting as well. As we thought about these moms and all they taught us about family life, we couldn't think of a better topic for our first infographic.

We also love these tips on using technology in a healthy way from VeryWell.Com.

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Originally Published 12/5/2016