Amazing Grace for Moms

Written by Kiersti Trautman | Feb 28, 2017 11:00:15 AM

As moms, we tend to beat ourselves up. We get discouraged, then get down on ourselves for being discouraged! Mistakes are inevitable, especially when we’re trying to guide and nurture rowdy little ones. Give yourself grace when you make a mistake. Apologize if you need to.

Sometimes, our mistakes are a bit more serious. Maybe we realize we’ve got an anger problem. Or maybe there comes a moment when we hear the way we talk to our kids and realize that we’re being harsh or critical a little too often.

In those moments, we have to own up: not shame ourselves, but get honest–we did the wrong thing. The Bible invites us not to wallow in guilt, but to get free. But we don’t find freedom by ignoring or making light of our bad choices. The Bible says, “If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, [God] is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:8-9). Everyone loves the idea of forgiveness–but the path to that freedom comes from accurate self-assessment (verse 8) and confession (verse 9).

Confession is not about guilt, but about honestly owning what you did. You may think, “Why do I have to say what I did, if God already knows?” Think of it this way: When your child does something wrong, and you know they did it, you still want them to come to you, admit their mistake, and ask for your forgiveness, right? That’s how relationships are restored.

Confession brings freedom, cleanses us, and restores our intimacy with God. It allows us to experience God’s amazing grace, and to extend that grace to others.

Originally Published 2/28/2017